Protestors interrupt Chattanooga Mayor Andy Berke during speech

Protestors interrupt a speech by Chattanooga Mayor Andy Berke during on MLK Day.
Protestors interrupt a speech by Chattanooga Mayor Andy Berke during on MLK Day.

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photo Chattanooga Mayor Andy Berke speaks to members of the Chattanooga Times Free Press editorial board, May 20, 2015, in Chattanooga, Tenn.

During Mayor Andy Berke's address at Monday's MLK mural dedication ceremony on the lawn of the Bessie Smith Cultural Center on M. L. King Boulevard downtown, protesters carrying "Justice for Javario" signs interrupted the ceremony.

Javario Eagle, 24, was killed by Chattanooga police in December. Police said Eagle was carrying a knife and a gun at the time of their arrival on the scene at Emma Wheeler Homes, on a call of a man exhibiting strange behavior.

Eagle was with his four-year-old daughter at the time.

A video of the scene in the aftermath of the shooting called into question the greater debate about police shootings of black Americans.

Berke paused his speech during Monday's events to allow the protesters a moment. He said the city cares about them, too.

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