City plans no tax increase

It is good news to Chattanooga property owners that Mayor Ron Littlefield and his staff are planning for the city government to avoid a property tax increase in a $201 million budget for the coming fiscal year.

Few people welcome tax increases under any circumstances, but with our national economy far from booming, it is plainly desirable not to raise city taxes this year.

Chattanooga's property tax rate currently is $2.309 per $100 of assessed property value. The proposed 2011-12 budget calls for increased spending of $16 million, an 8.7 percent increase, to be funded through economic growth and other sources, not a higher tax rate.

More than one-fourth of the city's spending (27 percent) will be for police services to keep us safe. Fire protection will take 18.4 percent of the budget. Public works (streets and other services) will take 16.1 percent. The other main city service agencies will require 9.5 percent. Parks will get 7.2 percent of spending. And debt service will require 7.2 percent. A variety of smaller agencies and services will account for the rest of city spending.

Chattanooga's government is generally effective and economical. Littlefield's no-tax-increase proposal likely will receive general approval by our residents.

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