If you want less of something...

You may have heard the saying, "If you want less of something, tax it more." An equally true statement would be, "If you want less of something, constantly condemn it."

Today, the Obama administration attacks job-creating businesses and threatens them with higher taxes -- while accepting their campaign donations nonetheless. Reflecting on those attacks, House Speaker John Boehner ruefully remarked at a gathering in Washington: "Job creators in America basically are on strike. ... [T]hey've been antagonized by a government that favors bureaucrats over market-based solutions. They've been demoralized by a government that causes despair ... ."

And U.S. Rep. Allen West, R-Fla., said on National Public Radio, "If you start to demonize a certain segment of your society that are the producers, eventually they'll stop."

Our nation clearly needs a leader who sees the free market not as the problem but as part of the solution.

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