Fortunate 49 new 'Americans'

Most of us are "proud to be Americans." But how often do we stop to think about how really very fortunate we are to be Americans?

This week in Chattanooga, there were 49 new Americans who surely were quite well aware of how fortunate they are.

That's because -- on April 11, 2012 -- 49 people from other countries were in the U.S. District Court in Chattanooga, before Chief U.S. District Judge Curtis Collier, and were sworn in as new citizens.

"Every day" is a "good day" for each of us Americans who was "born here." We should be "aware" and "give thanks" for our blessings of United States citizenship.

There are millions of people throughout the world who envy us and with good reason. We certainly are not perfect or ideal in any sense, but we are fortunate to be Americans.

Isn't it a good idea for us to think about that from time to time -- and for us all to try to live up to the U.S. citizenship that enriches us in so many ways?

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