The golden years

A horrific injustice has come to our attention and deserves the attention of all compassionate and right-thinking people.

A government employee in Michigan by the name of Terry List had a simple dream -- but now it may not be realized on account of dream-stomping Michigan lawmakers.

The legislators have been considering cutbacks that would make some government workers' pensions and benefits more sustainable.

And that nefarious deed drew the indignation of List and many of her colleagues in Michigan's government workforce.

You see, List had planned to retire in three years or so -- at the ripe young age of 47.

"That wouldn't be possible under [Senate Bill] 1040. List would have to work another 16 years to be eligible for health benefits," grouched the Michigan Education Association -- slogan: "We are the People. We are the MEA."

List was so alarmed that she called into question the idea of young people even seeking to pursue her chosen career: teaching.

"Right now, I would not recommend to my pupils to become a teacher in Michigan," she lamented.

She described in appropriately grisly terms the cutbacks that could torpedo her youthful retirement dream.

"I understand we have to tighten our belts, but we don't have to use a tourniquet and cut off the blood supply entirely," she said.

How very silly of us all never to have seen the similarities between having to work beyond age 47 and enduring a limb-threatening medical procedure.

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