China's gold rules

"Our national debt is our biggest national security threat."

The owner of that statement is no right-wing wacko or extreme conservative. Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, America's highest-ranking military official, made that declaration at a 2010 event honoring our military.

Fast-forward to a recent diplomatic event in China.

Chen Guangcheng, the blind Chinese pro-life activist who escaped house arrest levied against him for exposing China's forced-abortion policy that permits the government to control the population, hid in the U.S. embassy for six days.

The activist had asked to leave China out of fear for his personal safety and that of his family as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited the largest international holder of American debt.

A deal was reached to turn Guangcheng back over to the Chinese providing that he is protected and allowed to study law. The deal was reached despite threats to his family and his nephew being beaten and detained.

Diplomatic relations with China can be summed up brutally: He who holds the gold, makes the rules.


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