
Lynn Meyer

Lynn Meyer, a popular, retired Chattanooga teacher, died on Jan. 7, 2014, after a difficult struggle with cancer and a long hospitalization. Her body was willed to the University of Tennessee Medical School for research so no funeral was held. In order to allow family and friends to attend, the memorial service was delayed until now. Her memorial service will be at the Ridgedale Baptist Church, 1831 Hickory Valley Road, at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 16. The church is easy to get to from motels in the Hamilton Place Mall area if you are coming from out of town. Keith Jones, our present pastor at New Hope Presbyterian Church; Art Jones, our retired previous pastor; Bill Owens, retired pastor of Ridgedale Baptist, will speak at the memorial. John Brandon, an extremely talented baritone opera and church oratorio singing will sing. There will be refreshments served after the service, and the family will be there to greet visitors from 1 until 5 p.m.

Published February 13, 2014

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