Letters to the Editor

Kudos to Walker, boos to EPB

First, I want to commend Walker County for the wonderful way they helped their citizens during the tornadoes. They came and cut a tree limb for me and charged me nothing. Contractor wanted $500.

Second, let me say that EPB tooting its own horn is very misleading. I realize they don't want any bad publicity; but too bad, here it comes. They were very disorganized and told me more than one lie. This disabled widow was kept in the dark for three weeks minus one day.

When their big ad came out in the paper, they didn't even give honorable mention to the many men who came from allover the United States to help. We had people from many states doing work for us.

It was only after I threatened to go to the media that the ball started rolling to get me power.

One of the women in their office even suggested that I dig the trench for the underground wire. I asked her if I looked like I could dig a ditch. When the contractor came to dig, he dug up some very huge rocks. So, young lady at EPB, I could have dug that trench!

Again, thanks Walker County, and no thanks, EPB.


Move foreign aid funds to border

Our leaders now are granting over $41 billion a year in foreign aid to many countries with corrupt governments that hate us and vote against us most of the time in the U.N.

Concerned tax-paying citizens are beginning to show discontent with Congress continuing to prop up these rogue governments.

Members are telling us that this is just a fraction of our national budget. But when Texas and Arizona ask our government for just a few million dollars to secure our borders against illegals, criminals and terrorists, many of these same congressmen balk at the cost. Surely (these) wouldn't be members of Congress who vote themselves a raise, take a taxpayers' vacation abroad under the guise of fact finding, and accept money from lobbyists and unions to vote a certain way.


License process must be adjusted

We recently moved back to the area and ran into a problem that we believe needs to be addressed: it took us seven hours to obtain our Tennessee driver's licenses. The process was inefficient and disrespectful to the people of Hamilton County and those working hard behind the counters.

Waiting along with us were parents with infant children, a soldier on leave, older adults, refugees and working people. The staff was terribly short-handed but always polite and professional as they answered phones, fielded questions, provided testing for new drivers, changed addresses and names, processed licenses/permits for autos, trucks, motorcycles, guns, etc.

Those of us waiting lost valuable time, which means money in today's world. Wages lost, baby sitters and caregivers having to be paid while we stood in line.

We were told "it is always like this." Is anyone listening?


All must demand best for children

Today is the time, tomorrow may be too late. Mayors, city leaders and concerned parents whose children now attend public schools must take a stand for and demand only the best for our children.

Mediocrity must never be tolerated again. It's asinine to reward anyone for a poor performance in their duties!

Common sense has been replaced with racism-diversity!

It's imperative that Chattanooga, East Ridge, Red Bank, Signal Mountain, Soddy-Daisy, etc., take back and run their own public schools.

It can and must be done for our poor, middle-income people.

Our public school systems have kicked out our upper income families. These educated mothers and fathers realize the importance of a good education.

Too bad our school board is too weak to take a stand for what is best for the students.

Now in my 80s, I have never read of a president, governor or mayor actually taking a stand for the public school system and the true educating of our young minds.


Back wilderness areas in Tennessee

A huge resounding "thank you!" to Sens. Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker for re-introducing the Tennessee Wilderness Act of 2011.

Nearly 20,000 acres of wilderness are added to the Cherokee National Forest, in six different locations here in Tennessee.

I've been hiking these proposed areas with my 11-year-old son, and I know first-hand that these six natural sites, on the verge of being protected into perpetuity, are a great bequest to all those who come after us.

We, the people, own this property, costing the American taxpayers nothing, and the U.S. Forest Service recommends that these areas be designated "wilderness."

We will be able to share these beautiful wilderness locations with our children and know that they in turn can do the same for all generations to follow.

Please join me in writing our U.S. senators to let them know that you support what they are doing to protect wilderness in Tennessee.

Astounding vistas, waterfalls, clear running water, and intact forests deserve our support.


Requiring an ID not so unusual

Democrat women are unhappy over the new Tennessee voting law requiring photo ID to be shown in order to vote.

Are they equally outraged over having to show ID to purchase beer at Walmart, to board an aircraft at the nation's airports, or to board an Amtrak train?

In my opinion, the last three pale into insignificance compared to guarding the sanctity of the voting place.

State Rep. JoAnne Favors categorized the bill as preventing people who typically vote for Democrats from voting. By implication she places these folks in the never-fly, never-take-a-train or never-purchase-beer category.

Take a look around the world at those nations where the sanctity of the ballot box is routinely violated and you will see nations mostly in the "ist" range, as in Communist, Socialist or Fascist.

I don't want our country to slide deeper into that pit.

WILLIAM GODSEY, Crossville, Tenn.

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