Home Helpers shines a light on care-giving

What is a caregiver? We get this question a lot at Home Helpers, and there is no easy answer. And this is a good thing. Usually the people calling have a need that they didn't expect to have and they are hoping that we can offer some help, usually right away.

"Mom has always taken care of Dad, but now she has fallen herself. We don't know how to take care of both of them or even who will stay with Dad at night until she gets home."

"My daughter has told me I should not drive any more, and I know she is right, but I still want to get out and go to the store and get my hair done, and I still want to be independent!"

"I have to use a walker now and can't cook or clean, or even take showers safely."

These are just a few of the remarks we hear from families in need that are looking for a solution to help their loved one (or themselves) have a fuller life and maintain as much independence at home as possible.

People in crisis all need someone, but they don't need the same sort of someone. Some jobs, like the lady who needs someone to take her places, require a caregiver with a clean driving record and a clean car, along with good interpersonal skills and a personality that the client finds attractive. A good agency needs several of these because no one can be in two places at once and because not everyone finds the same personality congenial.

You also need quite a few people who can pop into and out of people's homes for a couple of hours to prepare meals and clean up and get someone safely into and out of the shower. This is not going to be the same person who can work a 12-hour overnight shift and be alert enough to assist someone to the bathroom or to get a midnight snack and to get back into bed in a position that won't let his heels develop pressure ulcers.

At Home Helpers, we focus on helping individuals or families determine their needs and preferences and then on matching that with a caregiver or caregivers who excel at meeting their kinds of needs and whose personalities will be compatible with the clients'. We strive to make the best matches possible in every situation, and we will work with a client or family to ensure everyone is happy.

We also work with both our caregivers and family to obtain feedback on a regular basis to ensure that everything is going well and determine if any changes need to be made.

We have an independent agency that gets feedback from our clients and caregivers and gets it to us, often anonymously, and this is also extremely helpful in making sure we are offering people what they want as well as what they need, given that no one wants to need help.

Although all our caregivers have clear backgrounds, and most of them are female, they are widely different in terms of personality, education, and history. We are proud of them, their achievements, and their work ethic.

To learn more about Home Helpers, call 423-505-2928 or visit https://www.homehelpershomecare.com/chattanooga/home


At Home Helpers, we focus on helping individuals or families determine their needs and preferences and then on matching that with a caregiver or caregivers who excel at meeting their kinds of needs and whose personalities will be compatible with the clients'.

For more information:

To learn more about Home Helpers, call 423-505-2928 or visit https://www.homehelpershomecare.com/chattanooga/home

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