Why hummus should be part of your diet

To add more fiber to your diet, try dipping carrots in hummus. / Tue Nam Ton/Contra Costa Times/MCT/File
To add more fiber to your diet, try dipping carrots in hummus. / Tue Nam Ton/Contra Costa Times/MCT/File

If you've never tried hummus, put it on your shopping list. A Middle Eastern spread typically made of blended chickpeas, sesame seeds, olive oil, lemon juice and garlic, hummus is a healthy dip that's delicious to boot. The benefits of eating hummus are plentiful and proven by science. Here are the top reasons you should add hummus to your diet.

Vitamins and minerals: According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, hummus contains a bevy of important vitamins and minerals in as little as 2 tablespoons. Hummus accounts for 7% of your daily value of copper and manganese. It accounts for 3% of your daily magnesium — as well as 2% of your phosphorus, folate, iron, zinc and thiamine.

And at just 71 calories per 2 tablespoons, hummus won't make you pack on extra pounds. It also comes with a small amount of plant-based protein that is perfect for vegan diets.

› Anti-inflammatory: Chronic inflammation raises serious health risks, including rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes. Luckily, hummus is full of chickpeas, olive oil and sesame seeds — all of which have anti-inflammatory properties.

› Better heart health: Hummus may also help battle the No. 1 cause of death around the world: heart disease. According to Healthline, hummus contains several ingredients that help reduce risk factors associated with heart disease.

Foremost, the chickpeas in hummus have been found to reduce levels of LDL cholesterol. The heart-healthy fats found in hummus's olive oil also directly reduce the risk of heart disease.

› Weight loss: Those who regularly consume hummus are 53% less likely to be obese, according to one study. Regular hummus eaters also had lower body mass indexes and smaller waists. Most notably, hummus is high in fiber, making it a great way to curb appetites and promote weight loss.

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