Chattanooga Airport has fastest WiFi in U.S., group says

 Luke Sparks watches planes at the Chattanooga Airport while waiting for his girlfriend to arrive. The Chattanooga Airport set a passenger record in 2014.
Luke Sparks watches planes at the Chattanooga Airport while waiting for his girlfriend to arrive. The Chattanooga Airport set a passenger record in 2014.
photo Luke Sparks watches planes at the Chattanooga Airport while waiting for his girlfriend to arrive. The Chattanooga Airport set a passenger record in 2014.

Chattanooga Airport has the fastest WiFi service in the United States, and the second quickest worldwide, according to an online website.

Chattanooga Airport offers the fastest average public WiFi download speed of 30.98 Mbps, according to RottenWiFi.

Suvarnabhumi Airport in Thailand provides WiFi download speeds at 41.45 Mbps, the website said.

It said its users have tested and evaluated the quality of WiFi in over 130 airports in 53 countries. Five airports in Europe, two in America and three in Asia made the top 10 list as fastest WiFi airports.

Chattanooga Airport offers Internet service from EPB, which provides users with ultra-fast speeds.

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