Media was lookout for ballot thieves and other letters to the editors

Media was lookout for ballot thieves

Auto theft is made easy when motorists forget and leave their keys in their car. Election theft is made easy when election officials, for the best of reasons, produce millions of mail-in ballots. All thieves need in that case are "community organizers," churches and party employees to harvest, fill out and deposit ballots.

The auto thieves need lookouts to make sure they aren't caught. One political party had all the lookouts they needed in their conspirators - the media.

Jeff Wilson


Will Hunter be Biden adviser?

Congratulations to President-elect Joe Biden. He has had many years to hone his skills as a politician and visionary. His oration skills rival those of Neil Kinnock, although they are remarkably similar in content.

During his years of public service, he has worked with some truly intelligent people; Bill Clinton and Pete Buttigieg were Rhodes scholars. Barack Obama was a constitutional lawyer and professor. Biden has nominated some incredible people to his Cabinet. I have a niggling complaint, however.

America has been deprived of the services of the smartest person Biden knows. Better and smarter than all I've mentioned.

I've heard that person is an energy expert and has served on foreign energy boards. He was a naval officer and attended Yale Law School. One with that world experience should have a foreign service position.

Some of his accomplishments are a bit muddled. Drummed out of the Navy with a positive cocaine test. But Joe is proud of Hunter, and he is the smartest man he knows.

Where's Hunter?

Jim Howard

Expecting dark time ahead for U.S.

The United States has chosen a party of idiots to run this country. The Democrats have taken "under God" out of the Pledge of Allegiance. My home state, Georgia, has chosen a "minister" who says the Lord's name in vain every chance he has in reference to the United States as a senator. The country and my home state have made their choice not to acknowledge God. So be it.

Lord God, please protect my loved ones and myself under your wings and feathers in the dark times ahead. Amen.

Vernon Cole

Ringgold, Georgia

Trump fans knew all along what he was

"I only wanted to shake things up."

That's the reason many voters gave in 2016 to explain their vote for Trump. They got their wish. People of Trump's generation, such as myself, who had (or should have) observed Trump since the early '80s, knew of his pathological narcissism, lack of ethics, morality and decency, carrying a grudge to the grave, and revenging all "wrongs."

Christian evangelicals supported him, knowing full well he'd exchanged sacred vows with three wives, immediately cheated on them all and had affairs. Poor Sen. Susan Collins, given a chance to vote the "man" out of office, demurred, saying, "I think he's learned his lesson." We can hope she's learned hers.

In "Judgment at Nuremberg," Burt Lancaster's Nazi doctor, on trial for condemning a Jew to death who'd impregnated a gentile woman, and thus corrupting German blood, pleaded, "When I ruled thus, I never dreamed it would come to this." Spencer Tracy's American judge responded, "The minute you ruled thus, it came to this."

Thomas Rodgers

Dayton, Tennessee

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