We shouldn't accept getting rid of books and other letters to the editors

We shouldn't accept getting rid of books

In your publication and The New York Times, I have read articles that have continually referred to the book "Maus," and its sequel "Maus II," as a novel. Neither is a novel; together they are a memoir. The reporting is of the telling by a father to his son of his and his wife's experiences leading up to, during and subsequent to the Holocaust.

It is vital that this is not a novel. The Holocaust is a major occurrence in history and is of such significance that in Germany it is against the law to deny that it occurred.

I read them both when first published. When they were [removed from the curriculum] in McMinn County, I was appalled. At that time, I re-read and marked the passages and pictures to which I think they objected. If memory serves, the applicable adage (paraphrased) is as follows: If not learned from, we are doomed to repeat. Most things start simply, slowly, so they are more easily acceptable.

Some things should never be accepted.

Lana Hamilton


Group eyeing books wrong school concern

It is clear Hamilton County Board of Education's book review committee is a frivolous distraction. But what is most frustrating is the misallocation of concern. We just spent two years prioritizing bars and restaurants over schools, and data support what we already know in our guts - our failure to keep schools open led to significant learning losses, especially among the poorest students.

COVID aside, there's plenty in education to be worked up about. For years, we've experienced a boomer exodus from teaching, while the teacher five-year turnover rate is around 15%. According to state data, about 35% of Tennessee's third-graders read at grade level (the goal is 75%). In Hamilton County, in 2021, the four-year graduation rate declined compared to 2020, and is below state average. In addition, a consultant reported the district has $1.3 billion in deferred facilities maintenance.

It's easy for folks on either side of this argument to feel smug, like you're standing up for children, but the reality is you're wasting valuable time, and ultimately Hamilton County students pay the price. My question is, do you care as much about the facilities, teachers or getting students to graduation as you do about these books?

Matthew Portwood

Trion Department Store forever 'Big Friendly'

Such nostalgia I felt seeing the March 5 Region page headline: "the Big Friendly." It transported me to the early 1950s in my hometown, Trion, Ga., a mill town supported by Riegel Textile Corp.

"The Big Friendly" was the Trion Department Store: Everything anybody could need was all under one big roof, from groceries, meat, novelties like candies, nuts, gum, to men's and ladies' clothes, shoes for the family, pharmacy, soda fountain, hardware, furniture (including coffins), a beauty shop where my mother worked, and a famous fabric department featuring bolts of cloth, patterns, and sewing paraphernalia of all kind, and even a cafe for breakfast and lunch patrons.

My favorite section offered magazines and comics. After I spent my 50 cents allowance on new comics, I was allowed to crawl under the counter, sit on the floor and carefully read the ones I couldn't afford.

Much as I applaud Mr. Turner's and the Summerville civic leaders' efforts to promote friendship and make small towns more like the homey places they once were, to me and my Trion cohorts, there will only be one "Big Friendly," the Trion Department Store.

Jeanne (Bankey) Bille

'Burn pits of Iraq' proper reference

President Biden was correct to bring up the "burn pits of Iraq" and his son, Rep. Boebert! I served in Iraq from August 2006 to August 2007. My first seven months I was at FOB Anaconda (Balad), where they had three burn piles four stories high going 24/7.

I was in Vietnam, where they had Agent Orange. When I served in Desert Storm, they had the "oil fires" that made the sky look like night in the middle of the day. The Iraq war's "burn pits" are its Agent Orange problem.

Joel Blake

McGill story attacks traditional Christians

The Sunday, March 6, front-page story is an attack on traditional Christianity. Especially with having the largest type size and in bold type saying: "Keeping the faith," then saying " John Thomas McGill still believes the Gospel." An attack because a lot of the Gospel has to be ignored to agree God approved of homosexuality.

Clinton Grant

Rossville, Ga.

Should we ban Bible in public schools?

About the letter about Pam Sohn's Feb. 8 editorial, the writer believes that "secularism can bring mass murder and genocide." I wonder if he has considered all the mass murders and genocide in the name of religious causes: the Crusades, Spanish Inquisition, Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Thirty Years' War, the Ottoman wars, French wars of religion, the Croatian War, the Buddhist uprising, the Sudanese civil wars, the Bosnian War, the Mormon War. This is only a short list of religious wars. Historically, religion is a bloody business.

His criterion for including "other worldviews" are laudable: opt-in classes, understanding of worldviews and theories without agreement, debate, respecting different worldviews ("however wrong"?) and warnings. Are they to be equally applied to teaching the Bible in public schools? Are the Bible students taught different worldviews and to respect those regardless of beliefs? Are students warned about the Bible's violent scriptures, racist and misogynistic texts, and belief in slavery and intolerance? Do they get a full understanding of the violent history not only perpetrated on Christians but by Christians?

It appears that if "Maus" is a banned book, the Bible should also be banned in public schools.

Lissa Dearing

Paying more for gas is worth it

I don't like paying high gas prices. But I will drive less and pay more to undermine Putin's ability to wage an unjust war. Yay, Biden, for cutting off his American support! Of course, I also assume that big oil is gouging. After all, they do so without any pretext.

Katheryn A. Thompson

Unanswered questions about immigration

Why do we no longer control who and what comes across our Southern border?

Why are these people who come in violation of our law not screened?

Why is it wrong for our border patrol personnel to call them illegal?

Why do we have this open border policy, knowing that some of these people are carrying serious drugs and weapons, have serious criminal records or are involved in human trafficking?

Why are those whom we apprehend spirited off in the dead of night to cities and communities around our nation without notifying the receiving communities that they are coming?

Why is it that these "newcomers" are dropped off in their new city and told they have to "appear" at a federal office, but there is no follow up?

Why is it that the self-centered, egotistical and sometimes unpatriotic [lawmakers] cannot pass laws that are good for America and work for everybody?

Why is it that the highest officer in the land does not see this as a problem and deal with it?

My only conclusion is that he doesn't want to. Why?

Douglas K. Davis


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