The Rant

Sixty-six arrests. Who has 66 arrests and walks around free with a gun? Don't care what you look like. What's wrong with our legal system?

Hey Chuck, thanks for voting to keep the government running. In this case, you were a leader, not a follower.

I appreciate the concept of a sculpture garden at Montague, but unlike many surrounding cities, we have no botanical garden.

Hydrogen plant MIA investment funds appear to have been invested in biosolids, from what TFP is reporting.

We made the national news for crime. Why are we right up there with Chicago, Los Angeles? Not just some local spots are dangerous. It's everywhere.

Love reading "Chatter" and seeing all that's happening in our area. Put together very well. Great job, CTFP!

CARTA increasing parking rates in dead downtown. Like complaining that a restaurant has bad food AND small portions. CHA-ching.

Proposed addition to national park land at Moccasin Bend will further congest overburdened Manufacturers Road. Will traffic study be required? This time? This nearby resident says "Please."

That Tiffanie Robinson voted to go against a facilities report she developed is the most school board thing ever.

We paid $250 million, and now $300 million more, in penalties for dirty water. We. Half a billion. Could've used that money to upgrade systems.

BCBST has excessive office space, TVA is moving, but we need a new 20-story office building downtown?

Only eight U.S. senators voted to shut down the government. Among them were Marsha Blackburn and Bill Hagerty. Tennessee voters, you get what you deserve.

Chris Wright would still be alive if soft-on-crime judges had done their job and put a career criminal in jail.

So, after investing gazillions in WWTA, we're going to pay a fine to kick the can down the road another 20 years. Still smells bad. Doesn't it?

Guess what flows down hill? Continued unrestrained growth on Walden's Ridge (Signal Mountain) will drown the valley and pollute the river/lakes.

You removed the Manning Street exits, then you allowed 700+ apartments to be constructed on Manufacturers Road. What are you thinking?

CARTA raises parking 50% by picking "low-hanging fruit." Despicable! So I'm "low-hanging fruit"? Wish I could increase my income by picking "low-hanging fruit"!

Mayor, you could round up three handfuls of repeat offenders and do us a world of good. That and build a long-term mental health facility.

I guess Croft & Frost will not be in the Best of the Best accounting firms.

Rivermont Elementary is being identified as [a potential closed school], so why are we thinking about building a $1.7 million building there?

To the Ranter who thinks teachers teach "woke' ideas. Please go visit a classroom — or two. Teachers barely have time to teach the expected curriculum.

Best ascertainment of inflation: Comparing, on an annualized basis, what we spent "x" periods ago for certain items and what we are spending for them now.

Would the McKees want a Little Debbie Park in their backyards? They could care less about Greenbriar's senior citizens and the traffic congestion.

House Republicans, bring your brain to work with you. And take your meds.

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