Debt forgiveness vs. the real world and more letters to the editors

Debt forgiveness vs. the real world

Are there others who have the sense that most of us live in the real world, and then there is the world of government and politics? In the real world, if you borrow something, you return it. If you borrow money, you repay it, perhaps even with interest. In the real world, if you sign a contract (say, to borrow money), you are obliged to honor it or else to suffer a penalty. If your expenses exceed your income for any length of time, you're likely facing bankruptcy.

In the world of government and politics, apparently none of these realities apply as evidenced by the Feb. 16 TFP report that once again the Biden administration is looking for all sorts of ways to circumvent the SCOTUS ruling that the president does not have the authority to forgive student loans.

Under the guise of relief for those facing "financial hardship," the Education Department has created numerous means by which the interest or even the loan principal itself may be forgiven. In the real world, who would not claim financial hardship in order to avoid a debt? How would such claims of hardship ever be challenged? And finally, why would any of those who currently owe more than $1 trillion in student debt ever repay a penny more knowing that these debts will likely be canceled down the road?

Gary Lindley

Lookout Mountain, Ga.

Trump undeserving of a second term

Trump lately has made some outrageous statements, even for him, one being that Russia should do whatever it pleases to NATO countries that haven't paid, and the other about Nikki Haley's husband being absent.

First, Russia cannot be allowed to invade NATO countries because that would draw, by agreement, the U.S. into whatever conflict that existed with a NATO country. Those countries are long-time allies, and we need to honor our agreement with them, for our safety and theirs.

Secondly, Michael Haley is serving the U.S. in the military overseas. Trump's mockery of his absence is the epitome of ignorance, disrespect and hypocrisy. I agree with Ms. Haley's statement that any one who mocks servicemen, women and Gold Star families doesn't deserve to be their commander in chief. (And, what about Melania Trump's absence? No one has seen her supporting her husband in his campaign or during any of his numerous trials.)

Trump is dangerous, unstable, ill and cannot be allowed to be the leader of this country again.

Cathy Dreger

Coffman best pick for Circuit Court

I have known Michele Coffman for several months and have seen how passionate she is about her work as an attorney and her desire to be a Circuit Court judge in Hamilton County. As an attorney, Michele has spent 24 years working with Hamilton County Circuit Court so she understands what families have to go through in difficult and challenging times.

I witnessed her passion for this position while walking with her, going door to door in neighborhoods, and saw firsthand how she interacts with voters and shared her passion for helping others. It was clear to me that she is committed to the people of this county and will uphold the principles of equality and fairness in the courtroom.

I wholeheartedly support Michele Coffman for judge and believe her experience makes her the clear choice for our next Circuit Court judge.

Diane Parks

Can you imagine?

I can't imagine what it would be like to leave for work every morning not knowing if I'll make it home. Not knowing if I'll get the chance to see my wife again. Not knowing if I'll get to see my 14-month-old son grow up and start a life of his own. For some of those in our community, this isn't something they have to imagine; it's their reality.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the men and women in law enforcement who go to work every day with the thought of "will I make it home?" To thank those who willfully and selflessly put their lives on the line to protect and serve the citizens of our community. Next time you see a member of our law enforcement or fire department, please shake their hand, thank them for what they have done, thank them for what they will do. Thank them for the things they do when no one is watching. Thank them for sacrificing the opportunity to spend time with their family, to give us the chance to make memories with ours.

I can't imagine, but I can give thanks.

Levi Nix

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